Blog— 2022 —
Point Judith Fisherman's Memorial Engagement Photos

Victoria & Patrick
Point Judith Fisherman's Memorial, Narragansett, Rhode Island
August 25th, 2022
Timing is everything when it comes to a sunset-themed engagement photo session and while I can never promise you'll get a good sunset on the day you and your finance plan to have your pictures taken, I always head to these types of shoots optimistic and hoping for the best.
Because, every once in a while, you get lucky the way I did the day I worked with Victoria and Patrick at Point Judith Fisherman's Memorial in Narragansett.
Victoria and Patrick chose to have their engagement photos taken back in August at a slightly off-the-beaten path beach area in a town I've spent most of my career working in and while I initially questioned the decision when I arrived and saw we didn't have a lot of places to work with, their faith in a place special to their heart certainly paid off with one of the absolute most stunning sunsets I've ever seen.
Seriously. This is one engagement session I'm not sure I'll be able to top any time soon.

My time with Victoria and Patrick began at the actual Fisherman's Memorial area itself, which largely consisted of a couple of benches and grass. So, yeah, there wasn't a TON to do.
Thankfully, the area does offer a great backdrop with the Point Judith Lighthouse in the distance but on this particularly brutal sunny afternoon, I couldn't wait to get a move on down to the beach and closer to the water nearby.
Victoria and Patrick were troopers though and really gutted out some tough conditions to grab a couple of photos in this early part of their session that I think do a great job showcasing their personality.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't much more optimistic as the light came down, though.
Without question, the toughest photos Victoria and Patrick took at their engagement photo session were the two above as I asked them to sit on a pile of rocks I thought would make for a cool picnic type vibe. I love the two shots ... even if it did take us a bit to get comfortable and into a natural looking pose or two.
Thankfully, as I told them when we first started, the best was yet to come as the sunset approached so the two soon-to-be newlyweds changed into their second outfits and we made quite the journey to the real treat of this location, a LONG coastline on the water with an absolute perfect view for miles.

Oh, did I mention the light was really starting to work in our favor, too?
With just about 15 minutes to go before sunset, Victoria, Patrick and I played around a bit in the water and with some silhouettes while we waited to see what Mother Nature offered us.
As the 7:30 sunset fast approached, though, we got our game faces on and made sure to take FULL advantage of some of the most stunning lighting conditions I've ever seen on a shoot.
Honestly, I could talk about these colors for DAYS.

By the time Victoria, Patrick and I made our way back to our cars at Point Judith Fisherman's Memorial, we were all super excited to see the photos and I have to say, they far exceeded my expectations.
I don't know if I had high hopes for Victoria and Patrick's engagement session before we started as I'd never ventured to this location before but working with them was an absolute treat and I left their session even more excited than before to shoot their wedding.
I can't promise we'll top some of the beauty we captured on this lovely August day in Narragansett but, after what we captured on this evening, I've learned never to say never when it comes to this amazing couple and a summer photo session.
So thank you Victoria and Patrick for bearing with me and staying patient while we waited for the best conditions possible on a hot summer afternoon and I hope to do it all over again in 2023. :)
-Paul J. Spetrini