Long before you walk down the aisle to exchange your wedding rings, there's a crucial first step in showing your friends and family how special your relationship is with the person you'll soon call your husband or wife. That step is the engagement photograph.
Are you a fun, care-free or traditional couple? Do you have shared interests? Is there a place that holds a special significance for you? If so, don't you want your photos to show who you really are?
These are the questions I ask the couples I work with as I strive to shoot an engagement photo session tailor-made for their unique love story. And I've been blessed with some truly amazing brides and grooms over the last few years who embrace this concept fully. Whether it's a winter, snow-filled trek through the woods in Connecticut or a sweltering summer night on a bridge at Ryan Park in North Kingstown, the tales we tell on these shoots is so unlike any other photography I do ... and it's so much fun.
That's why, beginning in 2017, I decided to write about these shoots much like I do my wedding photography. Below, please check out some of my most recent engagement shoots and be sure to check back in this space regularly as I'm looking to really expand this line of work for the 2018 wedding season.
Want to do an engagement session for you and your special person? Contact me today to set it up. I'd love to tell your story the way I've helped these couples tell theirs.
Webb Memorial State Park, Weymouth, Mass.
Date: September 16th, 2024
One of the many reasons I really enjoy shooting engagement sessions is they're a chance to get to know a bride and groom before their big day and, in many cases, what you learn is invaluable.
Take Meaghan and Daniel, for example. In our two plus hours together back in September, I learned a very important thing: That this couple is awesome and their 2025 wedding is going to be one of my favorites of the entire year. Why? Well, check out their super fun engagement session at Webb Memorial State Park for yourself by clicking here.
Colt State Park, Bristol, Rhode Island
Date: June 9th, 2024
It's almost a joke at this point but I know I'm having too much fun on an engagement session when the very idea of saying "OK, one more pose?" turns into an inside joke with me and a couple because I keep repeating it so often. But that's how I know I'm photographing something special and that was the case during Amanda and Steven's engagement session.
And how special was it? Not even having lost my voice could stop me from working with this bride and groom. What do I mean? Well, check it out for yourself by clicking here.
Crescent Park, Riverside, Rhode Island
Date: May 18th, 2024
Every once in a while, I get deja vu at the start of a photo session. Typically, it's a vague recollection of the couple I'm about to work with or a memory I can't quite place associated with the time of year we're shooting in but, in the case of Kayla and Scott's engagement session back in May, it was all because of the location.
Kayla and Scott chose Crescent Park in Riverside for their engagement session, a place I hadn't been to in well over a decade but, immediately, memories sprang forward. And why was that so important? Well, because this park, and this couple, were quite amazing.
Various locations, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: May 13th, 2024
One of the reasons I like engagement sessions is, typically, I have lots of time to work with clients. It's not uncommon for an engagement session to go over two hours and, many times, I could work with a bride and groom for even more than that if their schedule allows.
I find having that kind of time helps me figure out how a couple poses best but, sometimes, it's even more helpful ... as in the case of Matt and Lauren's engagement session when it gave us the option to hit a secondary location in a nice, shady area.
Why was that so important? Well, check it out here.
Goddard Park, East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Date: May 7th, 2024
The surest sign that I'm having a lot of fun on an engagement session is when I think I've wrapped up the session and keep saying "OK, what about one more?" instead.
And nowhere was that more apparent than during Meg and Tim's May engagement session at Goddard Park in East Greenwich.
To be fair, however, I don't think you can really blame me. Not only were Meg and Tim one of the most fun couples I've worked with this year but the day was stunningly beautiful. Why? Well, check it out here.
Downtown Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: February 24th, 2024
Winter engagement sessions can be tricky. While, in theory, a snowy photo session to show off your love ahead of your wedding sounds great, more likely than not lately, there won't be snow but there will be plenty of cold and plenty of chilly wind.
Still, I couldn't help but look forward to Tanya and Stephen's engagement session back in February the way I would any summer or fall shoot because these two are so sweet and so much fun to work with. And the photos? Well, we may not have had snow but there sure was a lot of winter beauty on this day.
Private Residence, Newport, Rhode Island
Date: November 19th, 2023
I never know when it's going to happen but there's always a moment each year when the weather turns and suddenly fall feels like winter in an instant.
Whenever this happens, I know the next shoot I have outdoors is going to be rough. Thankfully, this year that was not the case as I got to work with Jessica and Matthew during their November engagement session right as the weather turned.
Sure, it was cold. But these two? You could tell there was nowhere else they'd rather be and that's why we had so much fun capturing some truly beautiful photos.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: October 17th, 2023
One of the reasons I love engagement sessions is it really is an amazing chance to get to hang out with a bride and groom before their wedding day and get a sense of their personality.
And, because of that, I learned back in October that Kaitlin and Adam are going to be one of my favorite couples in 2024.
Why? Well, not only were these two absolutely adorable during their engagement session at Roger Williams Park but they were so much fun to work with. How so? Check it out for yourself by clicking here.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: October 16th, 2023
I don't know when it became fashionable for brides and grooms to bring their dogs to a photo session but every year I have at least one or two couples who feel they can't possibly take some of the most personal photos of their lives without their pups by their sides.
And you know what? I love it. I love it because these pet owners are almost always among the most relaxed folks I work with and relaxed is the best way for me to describer Amy & Ian during their October engagement session at Roger Williams Park. Want to see why? Check it out for yourself by clicking here.
Greeley Park, Nashua, New Hampshire
Date: June 11th, 2023
Nothing throws me off faster during an engagement session than a bride and groom that take themselves too seriously. That's why my Number One motto, above all else as a photographer, is that I want ALL of my clients to be themselves.
Helen and Brandon embodied this mantra better than most and, because of it, their June engagement session at Greeley Park in Nashua, New Hampshire was simultaneously one of the more unorthodox and silly, but fun, shoots I've had this year Want to see why? Check it out for yourself by clicking here.
Borderland State Park, North Easton, Mass.
Date: May 23rd, 2023
If I had a dollar for every time I had to call an audible during an engagement session, well, I'd have enough money to retire. But, sometimes, the best days are the ones that don't go the way you planned and that was certainly the case for Kayla and Patrick's May session at Borderland State Park in North Easton, Mass.
Midway through Kayla and Patrick's session, we decided to go find a bridge in the park that I loved but we never got there. And, somehow, their session was even better because of that. Want to see what I mean? Check it out for yourself by clicking here.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: May 12th, 2023
Of all the traits I think you need to be a successful wedding photographer, I think the ability to think quickly on your feet is at the top of the list.
Why? Because, sometimes, you have a day where nothing goes according to plan. Like Sarah and Dennis' engagement session at Roger Williams Park.
Because we chose one of RI's busiest parks AND one of the best nights of the spring, Sarah and Dennis' engagement session was a lesson in adaptability and finding ways to make beauty in chaos and, you know what? I can confidently say we made it work. Big time.
Goddard Park, East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Date: March 24th, 2023
No matter how experienced you are, and how confident you are in your skills, there aren't many things more nerve-wracking than the first photo shoot of a new wedding season.
That's why I'm so glad my first session of 2023 was Jessica and Paul's March engagement session at Goddard Park as, within moments, the three of us went from having just met in the parking lot that afternoon to feeling like we've known each other forever. And that translated perfectly during a fun and sweet photo session that you can check out for yourself here.
Union Station Brewery, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: November 17th, 2022
I can usually tell a few minutes into an engagement session how comfortable a bride and groom are going to be during our time together but, every now and again, I know before I even take the first photo.
Case in point: Elizabeth and Arthur's November engagement session at Union Station Brewery in Providence. I didn't need a ton of time to figure out how casual and relaxed this pair would be. The fun beer-themed shirts they brought told me everything I needed to know and, suffice to say, it was a session that just got better and better as we went along.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: October 30th, 2022
There are few things that will get me excited quite the way working with an oddball couple does so you can imagine the joy on my face when I showed up to Rachel and Mitchell's October engagement session and saw that they brought plastic pumpkin heads to wear on their heads for some of their photos.
Suffice to say, the minute I saw that, I knew this session would be a memorable one and, yet, somehow Rachel and Mitchell kept exceeding my expectations both for fun and great photos. Why? Check it out for yourself by clicking here.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: October 30th, 2022
I love fall in New England. Mostly because it almost doesn't matter where you look, you can find the beauty of the season everywhere.
That was certainly the case on the October afternoon of Kayleigh and Matthew's engagement session at Roger Williams Park.
No matter where we went, and no matter where we looked, everything was simply stunning and when you're working with a couple as fun and flexible as these two? Well, let's just say we set quite a high bar for their fall 2023 wedding photos.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: October 30th, 2022
There are a lot of moments I love as a wedding photographer but one of the ones that always makes me smile is that moment where it just *clicks* for a bride and groom.
That's the moment you can see two people get over any reservations they have and start to be themselves and, for Jaime and George, that moment came in the middle of their engagement session when they realized they could tell me exactly what they liked in terms of poses. And the results? Well, there's a reason this was one of my favorite engagement sessions this fall.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: October 29th, 2022
There are a lot of things to love about being a wedding photographer but one of my favorite is meeting an awesome couple you just click with right away and seeing how things develop as you get to know them better.
That's why I was so excited to work with Gianna and Nick on the morning of their October engagement session. I had a hunch these two would be one of the most fun couples I worked with this year and I was right. Want to see why? Check it out for yourself by clicking here.
Colt State Park, Bristol, Rhode Island
Date: October 27th, 2022
I've long contended that one of the hardest parts of shooting engagement sessions is finding a way to break the ice with your bride and groom.
That's part of the reason I made it my mission during Ashli and Cole's October engagement session at Colt State Park to make the groom break out in a big smile as he initially was pretty hesitant.
It took just three minutes and, immediately, I knew we were set for a great session. Somehow, though, it just got better and better with every photo. Want to see why? Check it out for yourself by clicking here.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: October 21st, 2022
I only have one rule for my clients during their engagement sessions: Be yourself.
You might think it's a simple rule but, honestly, it's one of the toughest challenges as so many people feel they have to put on some sort of image for their first real professional photo session. But Lindsay and Joe? Man, that was never an issue.
I knew the minute Joe showed up wearing a full brim cowboy hat that we were in for a fun time and he didn't disappoint as Lindsay and Joe had a great session you should see for yourself by clicking here.
Goddard Park, East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Date: October 10th, 2022
One of the reasons I love engagement sessions is getting to see the way a bride and groom interact with each other and seeing if I can bring their relationship out in the photos we take.
In the case of Emily and Jacob, I didn't have to try very hard as it was written all over their faces.
Emily and Jacob chose had their engagement photos taken back in October at Goddard Park and it was one of my favorite sessions this year for a variety of reasons but, mainly, because of how comfortable everything was. See why for yourself by clicking here.
Goddard Park, East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Date: September 26th, 2022
I tell every couples whose engagement photos I shoot that the purpose of these sessions is to get, maybe, two or three photos they can use for Save the Dates but, otherwise, to get to know them as people before their wedding day.
Never have I learned more than about two people than during Shyann and Joshua's September engagement photo session at Goddard Park.
What did I learn? Well, for one thing, this couple is a lot of fun. For another, they are absolute goof balls. And that's why I enjoyed this session so very, very much.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: September 8th, 2022
I am SOOOOO not a morning person. So you'll forgive me, then, if I semi-sort of dread any photo sessions that take place prior to noon.
Thankfully, in my experience, my reluctance to get out of bed at a reasonable time is quickly forgotten once I start taking photos and in the case of Kimberly and Ray's engagement session, it was pretty apparent to me pretty quickly that there was nowhere else I'd rather be. They were that fun.
Want to see why? Check out their September engagement session for yourself here.
Point Judith Fisherman's Memorial
Date: August 25th, 2022
In 12 years of photographing weddings and engagement sessions, I can count on one hand the number of times I was on a shoot and a sunset was so beautiful it literally stopped me in my tracks.
But I don't know if any can compare to the one I was treated to on the day of Victoria and Patrick's engagement session back in August.
You know a sunset is special when even the couple you're working with can't stop looking at it and to say it made Victoria and Patrick's session one I won't soon forget is an understatement. See why for yourself here.
Various Locations, Newport, Rhode Island
Date: August 7th, 2022
Engagement sessions are a great chance to get to know a bride and groom and anytime you're working with a couple coming into your area from out of state, it's especially important to understand the location you're taking them for photos.
That's why Catie, John and I chose Newport for their August engagement session. While I didn't know EXACTLY where we would go, I knew there was enough to do in the City by the Sea that we could give them the authentic Rhode Island engagement session feel and I think we definitely did. See for yourself here.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: June 25th, 2022
I've long held the idea that the entire purpose of an engagement session is to get to know a bride and groom before their wedding day so that, on the day of, things just run smooth.
And couples like John and Jesslyn show why. Their entire June engagement session at Roger Williams Park felt like a chance for me to get to know them and vice versa and, if the photos are any indication, their upcoming wedding this fall is going to be an amazing time.
Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island
Date: May 14th, 2022
Part of the reason I love wedding photography is I tend to attract couples with a similar attitude and mindset to me. In the case of Victoria and Daniel, whose May engagement session at Roger Williams Park is one my favorite in a long time, this meant an afternoon of inappropriate jokes and lots and lots of laughter.
Victoria and Daniel were so much fun to work with an I genuinely believe our ability to crack each other up helped bring out the best in their photos. Want to see why I feel that way? Check them out for yourself here.