Special Sneak Peak of Maria & Sebastian's Wedding!

Man. Today was a fantastic day. I was blessed to shoot the wedding of Maria and Sebastian and I honestly don't think today could have gone much better. The two are a fantastic couple and thanks to a very easy and relaxing timeline, we were able to head to Roger Williams Park and take a ton of formal photos. As is my custom after a great wedding, I just have to share a photo. This picture came on the long bridge at the Park. At the time, it was one of my favorites of the day. Now? Well, now it's got a TON of competition. So congrats Maria and Sebastian. It was a great day and I can't wait to show off some more photos in a couple of week. smile emoticon
Be sure to check back on this site in mid-April for a full look at Maria and Sebastian's big day. It was my first wedding of 2016 and, if this was any indication, it's going to be an amazing year.